Wisdom from God | November 18, 2021

From the book “Truth For Today: A Daily Touch of God’s Grace” by John F. MacArthur

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. - James 1:5

When you are being tested, you need to recognize your need for strength, and you must look for a greater resource to hold onto in the midst of the trial—God Himself. The search for wisdom is man’s supreme search. For those who know and love the Lord, He provides that wisdom.

This kind of wisdom is not philosophical speculation, but the absolutes of God’s will—the divine wisdom that is pure and peaceable (James 3:17). Divine wisdom results in right conduct in all of life’s matters. When some Christians go through troubles, their first response is to run to some other human resource. Although God May work through other believers, your initial response to trials should be to ask God directly for wisdom that will allow you to be joyous and submissive in finding and carrying out God’s will.

Today’s verse is a command to pray. It is as mandatory as Paul’s instruction to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). Trials are intended to drive us to dependency on God by making us realize we have no sufficient human resources.

Transcript is originally taken from the book and for preview purposes only. Please don’t cut and paste. Subject to copyright.

Our devotion comes from the book:

Truth For Today: A Daily Touch of God’s Grace by John F. MacArthur

Be prepared to be encouraged, challenged, energized, and changed as John MacArthur offers seasoned wisdom on different passages of Scripture. Perfect for daily readings, Truth for Today is a unique gift book destined to be a treasured classic for years to come.

You may buy your copy at Amazon: https://amz.run/4i4s

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