We all are aware of how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the way we live our lives. Although social media seems to be creating some unnecessary hype, the truth of the matter is that the Corona virus is very infectious and dangerous to our valuable and vulnerable members of our society. As we learned recently, the President as well as our Mayor has issued orders discouraging gatherings. And so, in light of these developments and our responsibility to obey those who are in authority (Romans 13:1-2; 1 Peter 2:13-17), we are cancelling all services and events this Sunday until prohibition of such has been lifted. We are praying that we would soon be able to gather again as the people of our Risen King, to worship together and edify one another. Until then we encourage you to watch our Sunday & Midweek sermons on GCF East YouTube channel. I understand that this option is not the same as being together, it is where God’s providence has placed us now. Although we cannot pass the offering bag, please know that you can still worship the Lord through giving. You can give online or send your gifts to the church through bank transfers, or through the offering drop box located in the church office. Our bank details are on the bulletin.
God is sovereign and, in His providence, He has allowed this to happen, and so let us not miss the opportunities we each will have during this time of crisis to represent Jesus Christ well. I encourage you to look out for the needs of others in our church and those in our community. While others are experiencing fear and panic, let us demonstrate our security and hope in our Father in heaven (Philippians 4:4-7). Let us be praying for our government as they seek to make wise decisions for the good of our country (1 Timothy 2:1-4). If you have needs, know someone else who does or if you need to talk to any of your elders, please feel free to do so. We are committed to loving and protecting you in these trying times.
For the Glory of God and the good of His people.
Your elders,
Erwin Quimboy | 09199991251 |
Michael Alcantara | 09175004689 |
Allan Luciano | 09392855743 |
Jan Ramos | 09178923055 |
Sean Ransom | 09175158890 |
Nilo Mabugat | 09285522982 |
Jhon Descartin | 09176727605 |
Jojo Gubat | 09258043633 |
Abel Foronda | 09175587465 |