From the book “Truth For Today: A Daily Touch of God’s Grace” by John F. MacArthur
How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! -Luke 18:24
When the rich young ruler approached Jesus concerning salvation, our Lord immediately tested his willingness to deny all and follow Him: “‘Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me'” (Luke 8:22). When the young ruler did not heed Jesus’ words, he revealed an unwillingness to submit to the lordship of Christ.
Anyone who would come to salvation must yield control of his life to the Savior. That means being willing either to give up everything to follow Him, or to be content with all He has given you, with the realization that He may sovereignly give you more as you serve Him.
Salvation is the exchange of all that you are for all Christ is. Saving faith, therefore, is not merely an act of the mind; it counts the cost (Luke 14:28) and humbly cries out to God as did the publican in Luke 18:13, “‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!'”
Are you counting the cost today and every day?
Transcript is originally taken from the book and for preview purposes only. Please don’t cut and paste. Subject to copyright.

Our devotion comes from the book:
Truth For Today: A Daily Touch of God’s Grace by John F. MacArthur
Be prepared to be encouraged, challenged, energized, and changed as John MacArthur offers seasoned wisdom on different passages of Scripture. Perfect for daily readings, Truth for Today is a unique gift book destined to be a treasured classic for years to come.
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