The Modern Message of Malachi

You may be wondering why we are calling our latest sermon series “The Modern Message of Malachi.” Some would think of it as a strategy to draw our attention to the series. Some would see the disconnect here and totally disagree. Many people view Old Testament Scriptures, particularly major and minor prophets, as ancient literature, written years ago by prophets whose messages are no longer relevant to our 21st-century day. But friend that is farther from the truth.

The minor prophets in particular, and the book we are about to study – Malachi – are full of practical truth that is particularly, in a modern sense, relevant to our day and age. How? Because the messages within all of the word of God are timeless messages; because the truth of God is timeless and the truth of God always speaks to the human condition.

And as we look at this wonderful book, we will be confronted with the dangers of indifference to God and His Words and its implications. And friends, we would admit; no, we must admit – that the human condition has not changed from the days of Malachi. Human beings are the same today; they’re the same in whatever age we may live, they are sinners fallen from the grace of God, depraved and needing God’s salvation.

And for those of us who are saved, we need to always be reminded of the truth of God’s grace that we ever so need, more so now that we have believed, for us to keep on abiding in Him as we await His return. I implore you brethren to be reading and rereading this short prophetic book, and let’s all dive in this old writing, and discover its timeless principles.

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