God’s Providence | September 16, 2021

From the book “Truth For Today: A Daily Touch of God’s Grace” by John F. MacArthur

All things work together for good to those who love God. - Romans 8:28

God regularly and consistently takes all that He allows to happen to Christians, even what seems to them to be the worst things, and turns those event ultimately into blessings. That is divine providence at work.

No matter what your situation—happy, prosperous, and easy; or sad, painful, and difficult—through it all, God works to do what is ultimately best and most blessed for you.

In His providence, the Lord uses “all things,” circumstances that are evil and harmful as well as those who are good and helpful, to mold you into the kind of person He wants you to be. When you struggle with life, just remember what God promised the apostle Paul, “‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness'” (2 Corinthians 12:9). That pledge is for you as well.

Transcript is originally taken from the book and for preview purposes only. Please don’t cut and paste. Subject to copyright.

Our devotion comes from the book:

Truth For Today: A Daily Touch of God’s Grace by John F. MacArthur

Be prepared to be encouraged, challenged, energized, and changed as John MacArthur offers seasoned wisdom on different passages of Scripture. Perfect for daily readings, Truth for Today is a unique gift book destined to be a treasured classic for years to come.

You may buy your copy at Amazon: https://amz.run/4i4s

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