Easter—and Missions | April 8, 2021

From the book “Mornings with Tozer: Daily Devotional Readings” by A.W. Tozer

That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection. - Philippians 3:10

Do we really believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is something more than making us the “happiest fellows in the Easter parade”? Are we just to listen to the bright cantata and join in singing, “Up from the Grave He Arose,” smell the flowers and go home and forget about it?

No, certainly not!

It is truth and a promise with the specific moral application. The Resurrection certainly commands us with all the authority of sovereign obligation—the missionary obligation!

I cannot give in to the devil’s principal, deceitful tactic which makes so many Christians satisfied with an “Easter celebration” instead of experiencing the power of Christ’s resurrection. It is the devil’s business to keep Christians mourning and weeping with pity beside the cross instead of demonstrating that Jesus Christ is risen indeed.

When will the Christian church rise up, depending on His promise and get on the offensive for the risen and ascended Savior?

Prayer: Lord, Your resurrection is a call to action. No other religion can claim the power You displayed on that first Easter morning. You are the one, true God! Give me opportunities to tell others about Your saving power.

Transcript is originally taken from the book and for preview purposes only. Please don’t cut and paste. Subject to copyright.

Our devotion comes from the book:

Mornings with Tozer: Daily Devotional Readings by A.W. Tozer

Many of these 365 devotional readings come from sermons Tozer preached close to his death in 1963, marking them with a deep concern for spiritual intimacy and true worship. He urges you to pursue God, confess sin, pray fervently, and seek the Spirit. Let this book be a garnish in your feast of God’s Word. As you welcome the morning light and all the sights and sounds of the new day, let Mornings with Tozer awaken your heart.

You may buy your copy at Amazon: https://amz.run/4QAU

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